$identification |-> $application |-> $certificate |-> $product |-> $request |-> $CSR |-> $organization |-> $contactAdm |-> $contactTech |-> $billingOrganization |-> $payment |-> $misc */ //login $identification = array ( 'utilisateur' => 'username', //User 'motDePasse' => 'password' //Password ); //Certificate to renew //Only one is necessary $certificate = array( 'refTBS' => '', //TBS reference 'refCA' => '12345789' //CA reference ); /*Applicaiton*/ //Product $product = array( 'code' => 'COM3s2ucc', //Product code, see our documentation. 'dureeVie' => '1' //Product duration, can be '1','2' , '3' (years) or '90' (days) ); //Certificate information $CSR = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIICojCCAYoCAQAwXTELMAkGA1UEBhMCRlIxETAPBgNVBAgMCENhbHZhZG9zMQ0w CwYDVQQHDARDYWVuMRUwEwYDVQQKDAxUQlMgSU5URVJORVQxFTATBgNVBAMMDGVh c3l4NTA5LmNvbTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKwPSe7/ v5dTJNEng9FjPqCa6mnLWE5emIZql5ecXzHkFNs3ng0azZ+6FHwklWsvsLQk7/hA ZNzpZjstoubgW3RPoigtjB0zFEcRYucH7B88svcmJGtdiGm2efWMEXSGLCIwc6qn R53MbIme2jrtgpHntapxv+cwtF0I8vvUCT/jV7VXMwHPiAEl70XJE8HkAKCNS224 Pes0wtLwUM5p6mWAucOf8sYcH//bMCQqoSiQQURZ/qabBaD3VSMJCwktqL1zvoKe XVBbU78mg+6kK/nIQrMPr2QfexJ9TCdpBIp1n+o/qwtzUZx3cUpCtbV/LGP189WN m1FRdy4jZ8U0N98CAwEAAaAAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IBAQAa3Y8kILDkMqGn bMJcEWGz1coHGm93S8du3dajR2SnDSfuNuhUgKTfFzESbS7MKHaVkTZDpqnV4ZLz B1de2Pk/W1l0ku18apWWTsVUB7Zc5MUO2QSrsVngZJe9gP23nJ6VVdgEy7RHSF4n 2A7LvQc7CvL6fk596cgO05/+p8UKmv2nTI1bSuBF/gBPj3aTjznkQJqEamkJntv0 34BZGgnHv9NElCXNWRHxx7LlJFV+jw6nexyWN7AcmmXNFWJYBpFhWNPcU7u4D+KI 3DK1riC1VS2/M/Msr17WOO8EmAR+suZN7CsDVwh/7RN3wKraQ1b88quLImfUgn4Q Xe8Spw3a -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----'; //Base64-encoded CSR //TODO : Remove CSR and add a comment. $request = array( 'logiciel' => 'Apache2', //Software used : see our documentation for our sofware codes. 'nbLicence' =>'', //Number of licenses for product requiring licenses, e.g. Symantec Secure Site or TBS X509 omnidomaine. 'CSR' => $CSR, 'domainePrincipal' => 'example.com', //TODO: Change example domain 'domaines' => 'example.com', //TODO: Change example domain 'cloneTBS' => '', //If clonning, precise the TBS reference 'accompagnement' => 'non', //oui (yes) or non (no) 'clefPrive' => '', //TODO: document 'adresseDVC' => 'dcv@example.com' //See DCV comment below. ); /*DCV: Possible values for the DCV: - Valid email adress : Must be in the WHOIS or a special adress from the followinf list : admin@domain.tld, administrator@domain.tld, hostmaster@domain.tld, postmaster@domain.tld, or webmaster@domain.tld. - HTTP_CSR_HASH : HTTP file validation - HTTPS_CSR_HASH : HTTPS file validation - CNAME_CSR_HASH : CNAME DNS validation */ //Organization $organization = array ( 'siren'=> '123456789', //National identification number, i.e SIREN for French companies 'typeOrg'=> 'FRRCS', //Organization type, see our documentation 'nom'=> 'Example Corp', //Official organization name, not a commercial name 'adresse1'=> '42 StreetName', //Address fields 'adresse2'=> '', 'adresse3'=> '', 'ville'=> 'City', //City 'codePostal'=> '12345', //Postal Code 'pays'=> 'FR', //iso-3166 country code 'state'=> 'Some State', //State/Province/Département/etc 'telephone'=> '+33-1-2345-6789', //Phone number, optionnal 'fax'=> '', //Fax number, optionnal 'codeNAF'=> '1356', //NAF Code, see our documentation 'numTVA'=> 'FR01234567890', //VAT Number, optionnal 'siteWeb'=> "example.com" //Website, optionnal ); //Administrative Contact $contactAdm = array ( 'nomAdm'=>'Test', //Lastname 'prenomAdm'=>'John', //Firstname 'fonctionAdm'=>'CEO', //Function 'telAdm'=>'+33-2-7630-5900', //Phone number 'emailAdm'=>'john.test@example.com', //Email address TODO: Change ); //Technical Contact $contactTech = array ( 'nomTech'=>'Test', //Lastname 'prenomTech'=>'Jane', //Firstname 'fonctionTech'=>'IT', //Function 'telTech'=>'+33-2-7630-5900', //Phone number 'emailTech'=>'jane.test@example.com' //Email //Todo: Change ); //Billing organization, optional $billingOrganization = array ( 'siren'=> '', //National identification number, i.e SIREN for French companies 'nom'=> 'Example Corp', //Official organization name, not a commercial name 'adresse1'=> '42 StreetName', //address fields 'adresse2'=> '', 'adresse3'=> '', 'ville'=> 'City', //City 'codePostal'=> '12345', //Postal Code 'pays'=> 'FR', //iso-3166 country code 'state'=> 'SomeState', //State/Province/Département/etc 'telephone'=> '+33-1-2345-6789', //Phone number, optionnal 'codeNAF'=> '1356', //NAF Code, see our documentation 'numTVA'=> 'FR01234567890', //VAT Number, optionnal 'melCompta'=> "accounting@example.com" //Accounting department's e-mail ); $payment = array ( 'modePaiement'=>'0ch', //Payment method, see our documentation 'devis'=> 'non' //Quotation ? oui (yes) or non (no) ); $misc = array ( 'codePromo'=> '', //Optionnal promotionnal code 'notesClient'=>'', //Optional note you might want to leave 'refClient'=> '' //Your (optionnal) reference ); //Main order information $application = array( 'refDemande' => '', 'certificat' => $certificate, 'produit' => $product, 'requete' => $request, 'organisation' => $organization, 'contactAdm' => $contactAdm, 'contactTech' => $contactTech, 'compagnieFact' => $billingOrganization, 'paiement' => $payment, 'divers' => $misc ); //Making the final array $renew = array ( 'identification' => $identification, 'demande' => $application ); /** XML-RPC **/ //vars $RpcType = array ( 'dureeVie' => 'int', 'nbLicence' => 'int', 'keySize' => 'int', 'typeDemande' => 'int' ); $rpcValues = array(); //Functions //Converts our arrays into RPC-ready data, uses recursivity for structures. function tab2rpc($tab) { $tabReturn = false; if ($tab && is_array($tab)) { $tabReturn = array(); while (list($key,$val) = each($tab)) { if ($val && is_array($val)) { $tabReturn[$key]=new xmlrpcval(tab2rpc($val), "struct"); }else{ if (isset($RpcType[$key])) $type = $RpcType[$key]; else $type = "string"; $tabReturn[$key]=new xmlrpcval($val, $type); } } } return $tabReturn; } //Creating the value array $rpcValues = tab2rpc($renew); //Creating the message $message = new xmlrpcmsg('renouvellement'); //This value varies depending on the type of operation $message->addParam(new xmlrpcval($rpcValues,"struct")); //Client configuration $client = new xmlrpc_client($appli, $serveur, $port); $client->setSSLVerifyPeer(false); $client->setSSLVerifyHost(false); $client->setDebug(2); //Sending the request and getting the response $reponse = $client->send($message,0,$transport); $valeur = $reponse->value(); //Trace display if(!$reponse->faultCode()) { $msig = php_xmlrpc_decode($valeur); echo "
"; echo '
'; foreach($msig AS $l => $table) echo ''; echo '
'.$l.' '.$table['codeReponse'].' '.$table['messageReponse'].'
'; } else{ echo "Erreur:

Code: ".$reponse->faultCode()."
Message : ".$reponse->faultString()."

"; echo "
reponse :
".print_r($reponse, true)."

\n"; }